How to Win the Democratic Race to the White House in Three Easy Steps

Joseph Beyer
3 min readFeb 5, 2020

It’s on. Finally. And anyone on the “left” who cares deeply about the outcome only cares about one, single, thing — stopping the chaotic and corrupt presidency of a man who should never have been elected in the first place.

Like you, I too am “in it to win it” at any cost. So here are the humble three steps a middle-aged white man living in Michigan thinks you need to bring this prize home.

1) I’ll go out on a limb because that’s where the fruit is, and declare simply that this first suggestion is the magic bullet — if any candidate does this, they will break out. The average Democrat likes something about each and every one of you. If anything we all feel deeply conflicted because of it. So here’s what to do, at the New Hampshire debate on Friday, someone (anyone) should stand up and say this — “When I’m elected President of the United States, I want you to know that you are looking at the next cabinet that will lead this country to a better and more intelligent future. I swear that everyone on this stage, right now (AND Kamala Harris AND Cory Booker AND Julián Castro), every one will be invited to play a key and meaningful role in my administration. No matter what’s conspired to this point, I want the best serving America at the highest level and you are looking at my picks right now for the most important assignments possible. This is my pledge.” Say that, and win. Be bold and curse your consultants, don’t play it safe — point to every candidate past and present and say … this is the dream team I will work to put in the White House. Don’t wait and and pull a Tim Kaine.

2) Call it like it is (but with respect) — no one, not even those in the Greatest Generation, think it’s a good idea for a person over 70 to lead this nation. We’re not the same anymore, we desperately need change, and today’s predicted victory for Mayor Pete in Iowa proves it. Bernie and Biden and Bloomberg and Warren have done so much, but it’s time to step aside and put country before ego. We’re better from them, we’ll never be the same because of them, but it’s clear to me that age now is a liability and not an asset and someone with courage has to start saying it out loud. As Swifty nailed: only the young … can run.

3) Finally and most importantly — get your team hyper-disciplined as hell and focus ONLY on 9 states exclusively against all: Arizona, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The rest of the country gets it, we understand — this is where the battle lies. We don’t need cosmetic appearances to blend and balance the love. We only care about winning, so go where the wins are — we will all follow. Trust us. We’ll celebrate together when it’s done. Spend every dollar, every dime, only where it counts. Eliminate anything else. We’ve only got one shot at this.

If none of this resonates, then just channel Carville and make it your own: Change vs. More of the Same, It’s The Economy Stupid and Don’t Forget Healthcare.

I wish you (whoever you are) only the very best — the entire outcome of the integrity of this incredible nation depends on you. Don’t screw this up.

